The Red Light Therapy Market

Using light to enhance healing effects

Red Light therapy

Use info from buisness and market watchlists to show how light therapy in general is growing larger. The red light market in particular is the largest share within this sector.


The growth of the light therapy market is a profitable potential avenue for development; as such, there are already existing competitors that seek to lay foundations for future progress in light therapy. Some notable ones include:

  • Joovv
  • Mitoredlight
  • PlatinumLED

Most of the focus in the market is towards the development of larger light therapy devices


Joovv's range of red light devices are more design focused, with many of their products offering streamlined aesthetics with the intention of being able to blend in seamlessly as home decor. While they've developed a portable module, it still requires the user to hold the device in their hand via a carrying strap.

Mito Red Light

With a focus on a range of tower devices, Mito Red Light offers a more utilitarian red light device. Many of their main-line products are large and bulky towers that are designed without looks in mind. Their range of mobile products include a handheld LED box array the roughly the size of a passport, as well as a therapy belt device that must be plugged into an outlet.


Similarly to Mito Red Light, many of their range of products are tower devices that are large and cumbersome. The higher cost means a higher barrier of entry for treatment options, as the cheapest available model, the BIO 300, costs $369US.

Market Plan

At REDGenerative, we plan to corner the market by first targetting clinical settings. Through company outreach, we will inquire with hospital and clinic administrations to secure a bid on a contract to use our device in their wards.